The Online Korean Language Teaching Training Course is a 12-week program, operating annually with four semesters, totaling 120 hours. It is composed of Korean Language Institute full-time professors, external subject experts, and Korean language education specialists, depending on the curriculum.
Utilizing an online learning system, the course allows for flexible learning anytime, anywhere, incorporating both online lectures and practical exercises according to the nature of the lectures.
Individualized guidance on lesson plans and feedback from Korean Language Institute faculty members is provided.
Through systematic training in both theory and practice of Korean language teaching methods and education on various aspects of Korean studies, the course aims to enhance the quality of Korean language education and contribute to the education of overseas Koreans. Special lectures are also provided to prepare for the Korean Language Proficiency Test (KLPT).
Evaluation is based on comprehensive examinations, attendance, lesson plan development, and practical exercises.
Eligibility: Graduates of 2-year colleges or those who have completed at least 2 years of a 4-year college program, currently teaching or intending to teach Korean language domestically or internationally.
Required Documents: All documents must be submitted online
Online application form (online format)
Self-introduction letter (stating the purpose of the training, free format, within 500 characters)
Final diploma or graduation certificate
Korean language education internship plan (including internship location and contact information): to be included in the application form
Certificate of employment (limited to Yonsei University staff or faculty) (one copy for eligible applicants)
Following the guidelines for operating Korean language education internships at the National Institute of Korean Language, trainees must participate in at least 4 hours of Korean language education field practice (field lecture observation) out of the total 20 hours of internship. Therefore, to apply for this course, it is essential to specify the Korean language education internship plan in the application form.
In this course, after completing at least 60 hours of classes in the Korean language field and Korean language education theory as a foreign language, you can take the Korean language education internship course. Therefore, please complete the relevant area classes for 60 hours before conducting field lecture observations or classroom practice. (Korean language teaching training courses online can conduct Korean language education internships from the 6th week onwards according to the schedule.)
Internship Fee: KRW 70,000 and Observation Fee: KRW 80,000 (if applying for an internship at this institution)
Payment of tuition fees can be made online through credit card payment or virtual account transfer..
When paying from overseas, banks may deduct fees from the amount. In this case, the difference due to fees is the responsibility of the applicant, and overseas cards are not accepted..
Refund Policy (based on the date of submission of the refund application):
Full refund is only possible until before the start of the course, and in the case of requesting overseas remittance, the amount deducted for remittance fees will be refunded.
Upon achieving an attendance rate of 85% or higher throughout the entire program and passing the comprehensive exam, a certificate of completion will be awarded under the name of the President of Yonsei University.
Upon completion of this course, candidates become eligible to take the Korean Language Teaching Proficiency Test (KLPT), and upon passing the test, they can obtain a Grade 3 Korean language teaching certificate.
Yonsei University alumni (undergraduate/graduate) receive a scholarship equivalent to 10% of the tuition fee. (The scholarship will be disbursed individually to the graduates after completing the course.)
Special lectures will be provided for preparation for the Korean Language Proficiency Test.
한글 맞춤법의 원리와 체계, 표준어 규정의 실제, 외래어 표기법과 로마자 표기법의 기본 원칙
일반언어학 및 응용언어학
언어 습득론
외국어 혹은 제2언어 습득의 원리와 과정 이해
한국어와 외국어의 대조 분석을 통한 한국어 교육 방법 모색
언어와 사회의 관계 고찰을 통한 실용적 한국어 교육 방법 모색
외국어로서의 한국어 교육론
한국어교육 과정론
학습자 요구 분석 및 한국어 교육 프로그램 개발
언어 교수 이론
언어 교육에 관련된 일반 이론 검토와 한국어 교육에의 적용 모색
한국어 표현 교육법 (말하기/쓰기)
말하기와 쓰기의 이론적 기초, 지도법 및 보조 자료 작성과 활용
한국어 이해 교육법 (듣기/읽기)
듣기와 읽기의 이론적 기초, 지도법 및 보조 자료 작성과 활용
한국어 발음 교육론
한국어 발음 규칙의 이해와 효율적인 교수 방법
한국어 문법 교육론
한국어 문법의 실제적 교수 방법
한국어 교재 분석 및 교재 개발 방법
한국어 수행 능력에 대한 평가 방법 및 실습
한국 문화 교육론
한국어교육에서의 언어와 문화의 관계 고찰 및 문화 교육 방법
한국 문화
한국 문학의 이해
한국어의 언어학적인 특징에 관한 개괄
현대 한국사회의 이해
현대 한국의 사회, 정치, 경제의 주요 쟁점
한국의 전통문화
한국의 전통 문화에 대한 전반적인 이해 및 문화유산의 관리와 보존
한국어 교육실습
강의안 작성법
실제 한국어 수업을 위한 강의안을 성계하고 작성하는 기본 원리
교실에서 이루어지고 있는 실제 수업 관찰비디오로 구성된 초·중·고급의 모범 수업 시청, 토론
실제 한국어 수업에 대비한 수업 실습
외국인 학습자들을 대상으로 실제 한국어 수업 진행
* When submitting the 'Mock Teaching' video assignment and conducting teaching demonstrations, foreign learners must personally recruit their own participants.
Yonsei University Korean Language Institute, Room 201, 50 YONSEI-RO, SEODAEMUN-GU, SEOUL, KOREA 03722 COPYRIGHT ⓒ 2024 YONSEI UNIVERSITY KLI. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED